TG Octaver Thing (octave generator Effects Rack for Ableton Live 11.1+)
4 Octaves Effects Rack
On February 1st, 2022, Ableton released the 11.1 update, which includes the updated "Shifter" device. I utilized that to put together this quick utility rack.
Similar to some popular guitar effects pedals on the market, this "octaver thing" is a quick utility Effects Rack I put together that lets you blend in 4 different octaves with your original dry signal. It also has a couple extra macros for a low-pass filter, and some detuning.
Basic Use
The default, 4-knob Effects Rack shows the following macro knobs:
Default, 4-knob display.
- +1 - adjusts the gain of the "up one octave" signal.
- +2 - adjusts the gain of the "up two octaves" signal.
- -1 - adjusts the gain of the "down one octave" signal.
- -2 - adjusts the gain of the "down two octaves" signal.
Extra Macros
6-knob display, showing Low-pass and Detune macros.
Expanding the Effects Rack to show 6 macro knobs shows a couple extra handy utilities:
- LP - A low-pass filter that only effects the wet octaves signal path. Because the upper octaves can get harsh sometimes, this can be useful to tame some of that.
- Detune - This is mapped to a bit of a sweet spot on the Shifter devices built-in phase adjustment. It only effects the +1 and +2 octave signals.
Device shown with Info Text view open.
Version notes
- v1, March 1st, 2022 - I put this together pretty quickly and it's still experimental. There may be a much better way to achieve the desired "detune" effect. As well, there could be some obvious improvements to add to the macros. I hope you enjoy, and your feedback is welcome! Relies on the Shifter device, which ships with Ableton 11.1 Standard and Suite.
7.26 KB
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